Lots of teenage girls dream of a career as a hot, rocking female astronaut joining the ranks of others who have zoomed through outer space or have fantasies of gliding their way through the Milky Way in their beautiful rocketship. The perfect style of modern bedroom decor for this ambitious young lady could use a intergalactic wallpaper mural with a stunning view of the Cosmos as a background.

There’s something so calming and peaceful about gazing into space pictures filled with whirling, twirling images of stars and a galaxy without borders or limitations as a background.

If space wall murals with real pics of outer space will put the cherry on top of your teen girl’s bedroom decorating ideas the Hubble Space Telescope site has some downloadable, printable wallpaper murals available. They offer these downloads on their website for what I consider to be an extremely CHEAP price.

The large black and white wall murals should be printed after downloading at a photo store whose specialty is black and white photos. The website gives all the instructions necessary for printing your wallpaper murals so that you should get the very best results.
Did you ever think it would be so easy to get pictures of outer space on your teen girl’s bedroom walls?
Now, what color bedding should you get? I would suggest a comforter in solid black, white or bright red for a beautiful contrast. For the best decorative effect, I would let the trail of stars be the most active print in the room.

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